sabato 29 novembre 2008

What should I put in my backpack..

Feel free to write your suggestions
this is the backpack

4 commenti:

  1. ur toothbrush and some underwears that's it hahhahahhahah

    just kiddin :D.. i guess u should put an ipod to waste the time,snaks,napkins,camera,and a swiss card that comes with 10 different tools: scissors,
    tweezers, blade, nail file, screwdriver, toothpick,
    pen, ruler, straight pin, and protractor
    i don't go anywhere without it,, it reaaally helps everywhere anytime anyplace :D
    that's all what's on my mind right now.. if i remembered anything ,,i'll let u know :D
    good luck


  2. The most important thing it's the mini-beer keychain that you know it's more powerful than any other thing....

    Otherwise some underwears it's a good thing to have, but not as good as the charger for you Macbook Pro...

    Last but not the least, a big pack of condom... ahahahah no, you had give it to me!! :D

    MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY... Norway it's very expensive!!!! But you have the power of the Euro!!

  3. Le carte da scopa o briscolone ... :D

  4. Countdown sign 0 days 5 hour 55 min.
    It's time to go ...Norway is waiting for U ...
    So , have a great experience and enjoy yourself !!!
    Go Derù Go ... Good luck ...
    Ciao Levy

